
Call for Proposals: IARSLCE European Regional Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement



Esta organización internacional, fundada por Andrew Furco, va a celebrar este junio un seminario en Italia. Se trata de un encuentro entre investigadores del aprendizaje-servicio.

 Call for Proposals

We are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the initial IARSLCE European Regional Research Conference, sponsored by the The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. IARSLCE is an organization of scholars and practitioners in the fields of service-learning and community engagement who seek to build and expand the understanding of the maturing field of research on this growing phenomenon in many nations worldwide. The European conference is part of a new effort by IARSLCE to expand from a predominantly-U.S. audience to other world regions so that we might increase our understandings of one another’s work and move toward greater, collective and intentional impact, looking forward in particular to the association’s 2017 conference in Ireland. The 2016 European conference in which we invite your participation is one of the first steps the association is taking to broaden participation and engagement by scholars and practitioners around the world.
Date: Friday, 10 June 2016

Location: Università di Bologna — Via Zamboni 32, Bologna, Italy 40126

Deadline for Proposal Submissions: 15 April 2016

Complete information about the conference, including the Call  for Proposals, is available here.

For further information and answers to questions, please also contact: eliza@sienaitalianstudies.com oro info.globallyengaged@gmail.com



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